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Penis Reduction in the news
- Paraphimosis. - DoctorSpringThe physician will do a reduction. Depending on the severity the doctor will give you a topical or local anesthesia and digitally manipulate and reduce the condition. If this does not help, minimally invasive techniques will be used for reduction. Depending on the severity of your condition the doctor will decide which method will be […]
- Smelly discharge from penis after urination. - doctorspring.comI am having red dots on the forehead of my penis. Ways to produce orgasm, masturbate at 57ys of age. blurred vision numbness of face and arm Unprotected sex and hives and sore throat White blood cell count is 8.2. Is it normal? Suffering from ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION. Treament? Is LAVATRON FAT REDUCTION TREATMENT for overweight […]
- Can estrogen pills cause my genitals to shrink? - DoctorSpringThe fluid that appears during ejaculation may appear clean and in some cases ejaculation may cease. Sex drive will decrease and may be lost altogether. Exertion of the penis may become increasingly difficult to achieve and to sustain. Some softening of the penis and scrotal tissue will occur.
- Vascular damage to Penis while using Penis pump - DoctorSpringPatient replied : Penis Pump was not prescribed by a doctor before that I was having normal erections, I wanted to increase the size of penis, it was working fine after using it, erections were coming more frequent and harder but now I don't even get a normal erection after using it. when I'm sleeping […]
- Safe way to shrink penis without surgery. TESTOSTERINE. - DoctorSpringMy wife of 20 plus years has a tilted uterus and two years ago she injured her back. This has limited our sex life and required I keep myself in a position that does allow for full penetration. This also makes it difficult for us both to relax at times. If my penis was simply […]
- Will ESTROGEN GEL shrunk the penis? - DoctorSpringMost average guys will have a penis length of around 6 inches, since yours is 7, you have absolutely nothing to worry about. Rubbing estrogen gel, or exposure to estrgen gel a few times will have no effect on your penile growth. The evidence is your penis which is absolutely normal, rather pretty well developed […]
Our founding
Penis Reduction Pills was founded in 1946 by Richard Redigo and Piccolo Pene, two men who met while fighting against Germany during the Second World War.
Both men had found while marching towards Berlin that many of the area women would not sleep with them, even though they were brave and noble soldiers, and concluded that the problem must be that the women had been told by the German propaganda machine that American and Italian men had freakishly large penii. Knowing this to be false, as both Richard and Piccolo ( Pic, for short ) were only slightly larger than average ( unless it was quite cold outside ), they spent many an evening drinking beer after the long days of shooting at Germans.
Eventually, they thought of a solution, one based on Richard’s background as an advertising man and Piccolo’s occupation before the war of swindling tourists. “Fight fire with more fire!” is how Richard put it (although fire was not actually involved), and the idea of placebo penis reduction pills was born. Soon, each man was up to his average-sized schlong in women, each of whom was more than happy to spend a scandalous evening with one of the two of them after learning the men had been taking their penis reduction pills.
After the war, Richard returned to the states, and soon was joined by Piccolo who convinced US immigration that he knew a lot about the German missle and space program in spite of not knowing how to speak German. The two soon set up a small company in Duluth, Minnesota where they began advertising their “Patented Penis Reducing Pills” in the back of Popular Science. (No patent was ever granted, nor applied for, as it turns out.)
Sales were lackluster for the first couple years, and the men survived at a variety of odd jobs. However, the dawn of the sexual revolution and rock music in the 1960s brought the topic of getting-it-on into the public sphere, and more men ( and women ) were willing to discuss the penis size problem. Orders slowly picked up, until one day Elvis Presley was rumored to be a customer of the company (he wasn’t, at the time; later sources believe his friends ordered the pills for him under false names). Sales skyrocketed and Richard and Piccolo were recognized as great American inventors by Time Magazine, which listed the penis reduction pill as one of the great discoveries of 1966.
Richard married his high school sweetheart, while Piccolo had a series of tawdry affairs over his life. Richard had two children, both boys, and named them Richard Redigo Jr. and Richard Redigo Jr #2.Piccolo likely had many children but was never certain. Sales jumped in 1968 when NASA revealed that the astronauts took penis reduction pills with them into space. Both men lived comfortably into the late 1970s, still running the original Penis Reduction Pills catalog service.
Eventually, calamity struck, and in this case it happened in the early 1980s, as America swung to the right with the election of Ronald Reagan, whose “America is #1” programs began to turn the tide. Suddenly, having a huge penis wasn’t seen as a bad thing, and hard times fell on the company and on Piccolo and Richard. Piccolo passed away in 1984, in New York City, under suspicious circumstances in Time Square involving a banana and a vacuum. Richard watched sales plummet, and the company was quietly closed in 1987 and Richard passed away later that year, a broken man, mostly because while skiing at Vail he turned down a black rated slope on the way to his first skiing lesson.
That would have been the end of the story, except for the bits of it that came afterwards. In 2007, Penis Reduction Pills was brought back by Richard Redigo Jr #8 ( the third son of Richard Redigo Jr. #2 ). Sales again started slow, but picked up a lot in the second week when someone accidentally ordered a 90 day supply from the website using a stolen credit card. The first real order came in their fifth week, and quickly sales were high enough to allow Richard to afford coffee, unless he wanted to get a vente.